Will tinnitus go away on its own?

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  • Views:43
  • Source:Signia Hearing Aids

For those of you who have been suffering from tinnitus for a long time, do you hear buzzing or beeping sounds in your ears even though there is no sound outside? The duration of these sounds ranges from tens of seconds to several days, and for some people, the tinnitus never goes away. Depending on the symptoms, duration and sound volume, some tinnitus is pathological, and some more severe tinnitus can even affect the patient's mood and life and cause depression and anxiety.

Will tinnitus go away on its own?
Whether the symptoms of tinnitus will disappear mainly depends on what caused the tinnitus.

Otogenic: If the tinnitus is caused by an otogenic disease, it is unlikely to go away on its own and requires active treatment.

Drug-induced tinnitus: If the tinnitus is caused by drugs, most of the tinnitus will disappear on its own within a period of time after stopping the drug in time, such as tinnitus caused by ototoxic antibiotics, aspirin, quinine, etc.

Non-otogenic tinnitus: If the tinnitus is caused by a systemic disease, the cause should be found and eradicated. In most cases, the cause of the disease is eradicated and the tinnitus disappears or is relieved, such as hypertension, cervical spondylosis, diabetes, etc.

Tinnitus caused by psychological factors: such as depression, will improve with psychological adjustment; some may disappear on their own, such as sudden mental stimulation.

Unexplained tinnitus: If it occurs recently, less than 10% of patients may disappear on its own. If the tinnitus has a long history, it is unlikely to disappear on its own.

Therefore, many patients will wait and it will take a long time, wondering if the tinnitus is caused by an internal heat. This situation will delay treatment. If tinnitus suddenly appears and the sound is relatively loud, and it lasts for 12 hours, you should go to the hospital for treatment. In this way, if you treat it early, you may have a greater chance of disappearing.

It is recommended that timely examination and targeted treatment should be carried out, a scientific and reasonable diet should be used, regular eating habits should be developed, and the body's immunity should be improved. Reasonable physical health, reasonable nutrition, and diet can also improve the quality of the body and avoid the occurrence of some diseases. Developing regular living habits can also improve physical fitness and be beneficial to physical health.

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