How is otitis media caused?

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  • Source:Signia Hearing Aids

Otitis media is often encountered in life. Otitis media, commonly known as "rotten ears", is an inflammation of the tympanic mucosa. When germs enter the tympanic cavity, inflammation will occur when the resistance weakens or bacterial toxins increase. The main symptoms are pain in the ear, which usually worsens at night, fever, aversion to cold, bitter mouth, hearing loss, etc.

How is otitis media caused? 1. Life factors of otitis media
1. Water in the ears
If you often go swimming in public swimming pools, it is very likely that water will enter the nasopharynx or ears and cause otitis media. Mainly because the water in the swimming pool is contaminated and contains a large number of bacteria, which can easily cause infection.

2. Suffering from trauma
If you like to use dirty instruments such as nails or cotton swabs to pick out your ears, it is easier to damage the mucosa in the ears and cause perforation of the eardrum. After infection, you will develop otitis media.

3. Long-term smoking

People who smoke a lot and smoke secondhand smoke for a long time may also suffer from otitis media. Smoking may cause blood vessels to spasm and increase blood viscosity. At this time, the arterioles that supply blood to the inner ear may harden, resulting in insufficient local blood supply to the inner ear and hearing loss.

4. Long-term use of headphones

If you use headphones for a long time to listen to loud rock music, it may increase the risk of chronic otitis media.

2. Pathological factors of otitis media

1. Caused by colds
Most patients with otitis media develop the disease due to colds . The main reason is that inflammation of the nasopharynx after a cold may further spread to the Eustachian tube, which will cause persistent congestion and swelling of the pharyngeal opening and lumen mucosa of the Eustachian tube, which may lead to ciliary movement disorders. At the same time, if nasal mucus reaches the Eustachian tube, acute otitis media may also be induced.

2. Caused by pathogenic bacterial infection
If you are infected by pathogenic bacteria such as pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae, it will cause inflammation in the ear, and in the long run you will suffer from Otitis media.

Otitis media has become a common disease in babies. Data shows that 62% of babies have suffered from acute otitis media within 1 year old, and the proportion of babies under 3 years old suffering from otitis media has reached 83%. The clinical incidence of otitis media is second only to colds.

Delayed diagnosis of otitis media will have a great impact on the patient’s recovery and will also make treatment difficult. Therefore, once you feel unwell, you need to go to a regular specialist hospital for timely treatment as soon as possible to avoid serious consequences.

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